We empower informed choices for healthier cosmetics.

Our long-time effort is to create an independent community of laymen and experts under the roof of GreenGate. This unique environment educates and helps to understand the composition of cosmetics, cleaning, washing and laundry products. It provides information on the impact of harmful substances on human health and our environment. We believe that changing the approach of our society is possible.

GreenGate is a comprehensive portal about cosmetic and drugstore products and their ingredient risk. The GreenGate platform offers a 12-chapter online course on switching to greener cosmetics and what to avoid when choosing cosmetics. The portal shows many activities (apps, e-book, blog, DIY videos, materials for educators, etc.) and recommends content to users that solves their unique problems. The content is available in 4 languages (EN, CZ, SK, SI).

The GreenGate project is financed by the European Union within the Erasmus+ project, although the grant does not cover all project costs. If the “message” of the project resonates with you and you would like to support its development with an idea, help or financial donation, do not hesitate to contact us at info@greenscan.cz.

GreenGate team members

Team logos

GreenScan (CZ)

GreenScan app, Blog, Online course, Platform development

Environmental education for companies, schools, and the public. We are enthusiasts, volunteers and, above all, humans. We want to understand society and nature. Our surroundings are not indifferent to us. We move forward, create new things, and wish to be helpful. Our core value is freedom of choice and the right to information for everyone. We are all about products being safe for people to use, health and ecological sustainability of life on our planet. A change in the direction of our society is possible.

Educasoft Solutions (CZ)

Online course, Platform concept and wireframe

Our primary focus areas are designing and developing e-learning courses and providing and developing our LMS system Competent. We’ve successfully delivered over 50 online educational projects, including an awarded course about climate change for People in Need (one of Czechia’s biggest NGOs). It helped nearly two thousand teachers understand climate change and prepared them to teach about it.

CEEV Živica (SK)

Methodological Toolkit, Blog

Živica is an NGO that inspires change. We want to create a world where everyone is encouraged to seek their own nature. We believe that nature can teach us a lot. Environmental problems challenge us to turn our attention to our actions because changing problems only from the surface is not a globally sustainable long-term solution.

The Faculty of Environmental Protection (SI)

G-book, Blog

The Faculty of Environmental Protection (FVO) is an independent institution of higher education that teaches environmental protection in the broadest terms. The teachings overlap in natural sciences, engineering, bioengineering, and social and humane arts. The faculty was founded as the Environmental Protection College in 2006 and became a faculty in 2022.

The GreenGate project was implemented as part of the Erasmus+ programme KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education, with financial support from the EU.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

This platform follows the Creative Commons agreement. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/