Analyze cosmetics with GreenScan App.

GreenScan App checks the composition of products for you! The unique mobile app neatly and briefly shows information about the product ingredients and their impact on your health and the planet after you scan it.

Google Play Store Button
App Store Button

With the GreenScan App, you will have a complete overview in your pocket.

GreenScan App checks the composition of products for you! The unique mobile app neatly and briefly shows information about the product ingredients and their impact on your health and the planet after you scan it.

Google Play Store Button
App Store Button

With the GreenScan App, you will have a complete overview in your pocket.

GreenScan app scanning
GreenScan app product evaluation
GreenScan app ingredient info

GreenScan App is and will remain non-profitable. It’s funded from various sources, however, always under the condition of independence and transparency guarantee. If you have any ideas on how to support the project, for example, by adding products to our database or contributing to the development of our shared work, don’t hesitate to let us know.

The GreenGate project is financed by the European Union within the Erasmus+ project, although the grant does not cover all project costs. If the “message” of the project resonates with you and you would like to support its development with an idea, help or financial donation, do not hesitate to contact us at

Who created the app?

Environmental education for companies, schools, and the public. We are enthusiasts, volunteers and, above all, people. We want to understand society and nature. Our surroundings are not indifferent to us. We move forward, create new things and we wish to be useful. We work towards a shared vision. Our core value is freedom of choice and the right to information for everyone.

That’s why we developed a mobile application and shared environments under the overarching GreenGate brand, which provides the user with enough relevant and, most importantly, independent information about product ingredients, their origin or the environmental impacts of the production, and much more. Such as links to other like-minded projects that consider people and nature.

We are all about products being safe for people to use, health and ecological sustainability of life on the planet. A change in the direction of our society is possible. We are GreenScan!

The GreenGate project was implemented as part of the Erasmus+ programme KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education, with financial support from the EU.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

This platform follows the Creative Commons agreement. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) -